Summer Reading
Sign Up Begins May 24, 2012
All 7 branches of the Washington County Library System will start signing up those who want to participate in this summer's reading programs. The Summer Reading programs being June 4th and continue through July 30th.
The youth reader's theme is "Dream Big, Read" featuring unique traditions from around the world that relate to the world of dreams. The Teen program theme is "We Own the Night, representing the fascination many teens have for the night. The Adult theme is "Between the Covers" and runs concurrently with the children and teen programs.
Read each week and turn in your reading log for gift certificates. If you participate in all 8 weeks, you will be entered to win a grand prize featuring gift certificates, goodies, and an Ipod! A winner will be selected for the youth, teen, and adult programs.
Stay tuned to St. George Mom and/or visit your local library to see what awesome activities will accompany this summer's reading program.